
I think i should leave
I think i should leave

i think i should leave

While the rest of the sketch can’t quite achieve the same highs it remains a fun little parable about the kind of petty, inexplicable hatred that ITYSL does best. Robinson’s flat “No.” when a bald man asks him if he and another bald man are talking about hair restoration treatment “Gelutol” is one of season 3’s best abrupt jokes. But the quick cut clips of Robinson’s perfectly comedic body flopping into the water over and over again deserves another shoutout. Summer Loving Farewell is just a nifty little bonus that we probably could have left off the list entirely or just combined it with its proper entry (much) later on. Why does this guy have all those photos of cigars on his phone? Why does the maître d’ at the restaurant know the Google SEO for imagines of diarrhea? And why does this one ponytail man hate the other ponytail man so much? All valid questions to consider. But like Forte’s garish ponytail itself it really leaves an impression in the long run. At first glance this Will Forte-starring experiment is a little too weird to properly appreciate. This sketch, which can probably just be called “Ponytail” for simplicity’s sake, really is a grower not a shower. You Can’t Park Over the Sidewalk (Ponytail) Now if only her dumbass co-worker Rick could properly draw a computer for the shirts. In this episode 6 opener, it’s Alison Martin’s turn to shine and boy does she ever! Her Cam’s simple banana breath joke at the HR harassment seminar becomes a rallying cry to build a whole workplace community around. One of the most charming aspects of ITYSL is how co-creators Robinson and Zach Kanin delve deep into the Hollywood catalogue to find little-known older actors who haven’t had their chance to shine yet and then gives them to space to do so. In this case, the guy really does see the world that way and it’s weirdly beautiful that he wants his co-worker Amanda to see all the volcanoes, little pimps, and blood cocks the world has to offer too.

i think i should leave

While at first it may seem like a bit when Randall says the AC kickstarting sounds like a volcano, it’s never just a bit for a Robinsonoid (that’s the term I will now be using for Robinson characters). This episode 5 opener provides a privileged look into what an ITYSL Tim Robinson character actually sees when they view the world. We will say though that one of season 3’s most underrated laughs come from the tight closeups of the mustachioed man in the Metaloid Maniac costume here. Unfortunately this one bears too much in common with several game show formatted sketches from previous seasons and doesn’t add much else to the table aside from some slick animation. His mere presence is enough to elevate any sketch and it does so here.

i think i should leave

Longtime Tim Robinson collaborator Sam Richardson is just so good at … everything. Danny Green’s Photo Wall of Metal Metal Motto Search

i think i should leave

I got too hyper.” When even the orgy-imagining Tim Robinson character concurs, you know you’ve gone too far. Episode 1’s second sketch has one such great moment in which team building the workshop water attacker realizes “What is even going on? My life is out of control. If anything this sketch could have used a followup look into Street Sets’ presumed spinoff business Jump Junkies.Īn I Think You Should Leave skit is often at its best when a character involved breaks kayfabe and takes stock of the sad mess their life has become. It wisely understands that the joke here isn’t just about Fred Armisen beating up a fake child (though that would be pretty funny) but rather his frustration with the company Street Sets’ amateurish follow through. Street Sets has absolutely the right idea but not quite the best execution. It’s generally amusing to watch Patti’s character treat a cardboard cutout of her boss as a low rent voodoo doll but it never crescendos into the dextrous verbal nonsense you’d hope for. This season 3 sketch, however, quite simply doesn’t give her enough to do. Her previous three sketches (The Capital Room, Her Job is Tables, and New Copier) are all all-time greats. Through three seasons, Patti Harrison has been one of I Think You Should Leave‘s most lethal guest stars. But overall this episode 6 sketch is season 3’s slightest offering. The ending moment in which Don talks himself into the false reality that the party’s stunned silence must mean they love the songs is funny enough (as is his subsequent offer to turn around so they can jerk off). Poor Don has been out of the game for awhile and can’t quite recover the magic art of dirty songs. Regretfully, we didn’t see the vision with Don Bondarley, king of the dirty songs. Sometimes you see the vision and sometimes you just don’t.

I think i should leave