You can also choose an action to Attach, Erase, Paint or Move voxels using the current brush. You can choose from modes like V (Voxel), F (Face), B (Box), L (Line), C (Center) and P (Pattern). Brush: This is the second column, right next to the Color Palette.

You can even pick your very own custom color right at the bottom. Here you can pick and choose from a whole spectrum of colors. Color Palette: The left-most column is your color palette.

Here’s what you’ll see from left to right: You’ll notice that the UI is divided into expandable columns. Fear not, there is definitely some method to this madness once you get the hang of it, you’ll fall in love with it. This is clearly a program created by a programmer, for programmers. Once installed, you’ll be greeted by a very interesting and unique UI. Be sure to thank on Twitter for such an amazing free product.
It’s only a single download and runs on both macOS and Windows.
Note: Grab yourself a copy of MagicaVoxel at and install it before you continue. Why? Because it’s free! Oh, and it’s pretty darn awesome too. Out of the many tools available, MagicaVoxel is one of the best. Voxel graphics are a super easy and extremely fast way to create 3D content, and have become extremely popular for this reason. Programmer art is a nice compromise you create a rough concept of the required art and use it as a placeholder until you can get around to making (or paying for) some decent game art. Proper graphics take a very long time to create, and time is something most coders just don’t have. Prototyping apps, especially games, requires graphics - lots of graphics. You stand at the dawn of a new era, where the modern programmer will gift the world with programmer art! Grog and Leonardo would have been proud. From the primitive cave paintings of ancient hominids, to the majesty and grace of such masterpieces as Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”, art has constantly evolved with time. Since the dawn of time, humans have embraced their inner creativity.